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1 pound bags
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Riverhead Foods Beans

Eating Riverhead Beans supplies you with a large portion of the dietary fiber you need daily. A 1-cup serving of great northern beans gives you 12 grams of fiber. A high-fiber diet may also reduce your risk of heart disease, diabetes and diverticulitis.

Please call for pricing for large orders|  Cases Packed 24/1 lb.

Riverhead Foods

In Stock
Green Split Peas

Eating Riverhead green split peas may improve your heart health. The fiber from split peas may lower your total and bad LDL cholesterol, thus reducing your risk for heart disease. 

Please call for pricing for large orders|  Cases Packed 24/1 lb.

Riverhead Foods

In Stock
Riverhead Large Lima Beans

The high level of soluble fiber in Riverhead lima beans helps absorb water in the stomach to form a gel that decreases the metabolism rate of the bean's carbohydrates, preventing blood sugar levels from rapidly spiking after a meal.

Please call for pricing for large orders |Cases Packed  24/1 lb.

Riverhead Foods

In Stock
Riverhead Lentils

Riverhead Lentils are a great source of B vitamins, most notably folate and niacin (B3).  B vitamins are important for the healthy functioning of the nervous, digestive, and immune systems.

Please call for pricing for large orders| Cases Packed 24/1 lb.

Riverhead Foods

In Stock
Riverhead Pearl Barley

Riverhead Barley is an excellent source of several of the B vitamins. It contains good amounts of vitamins B1,B2,B3,B6 and B9. These vitamins play a vital role in metabolism and energy production.

Call for pricing for large orders | Packed in Cases 24/1 lb.

Riverhead Bean Company

In Stock
Riverhead Navy Beans

Riverhead Navy beans' high protein content means they can serve as an alternative to meat in your diets. Each half-cup of cooked beans contains 7.5 grams per cup.

Call for pricing for large orders| Cases Packed 24/1 lb.

In Stock
Riverhead Red Kidney Beans

The soluble fiber in Riverhead kidney beans decreases the metabolism rate of the bean's carbohydrates, which prevents blood sugar levels from rapidly spiking after a meal. The kidney bean's high protein content also contribute to this effect.

Call for pricing for large orders | Packed in Cases 24/1 lb.

Riverhead Bean Company

In Stock
Riverhead Yellow Splits Peas

Split peas contain isoflavones (particularly Daidzein) that are said to decrease the risk of developing certain types of cancers, especially breast cancer and prostate cancer. Basically, isoflavones are a type of plant estrogens, so they mimic the hormones in the body.

Call for pricing for large orders | Cases Packed 24/1 lb.

Riverhead Foods 

In Stock